GreenGeeks: A Complete Guide On Echo-Friendly Hosting
Hey, welcome to the Echo-Friendly GreenGeeks world’s number one Green Energy web hosting provider.
If you want to breeze through real quickly click on the steps below to get there…
- What is web hosting?
- Why do you need to opt for Echo-friendly web hosting?
- Why opt for Echo-friendly GreenGeeks?
- Why pick GreenGeeks for your web hosting?
- What does GreenGeeks provide as a web hosting provider?
- GreenGeeks shared hosting, Plans and Benefits
- GreenGeeks Shared Price and Features Comparison Table
- GreenGeeks VPS hosting, Plans and Benefits
- How to Sign Up for GreenGeeks Hosting?
- Takeaway Tip
Disclosure: Please note that some of my links below are affiliated links. That is I may earn commission, at no additional cost to you on any purchases you’ve decided to make through these links. And, it helps me in running my blog at the same time bring in valuable insights to readers like you to decide on your purchases.
Please note that I only recommend those products either I am using personally or researched and because I believe that these products might help you improve your life or business.
GreenGeeks: A Complete Guide On Echo-Friendly Hosting Preview
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Usually when we want to choose a web hosting provider we look for
- Speed
- Security
- Support
- Scalability and
- Stability (up-time)
These 5’ S are the deciding factors for someone who is looking for a hosting provider. Not in any particular order but all are important factors.
However, as responsible citizens I guess we need to look for one more “S” before we buy any products from the web hosting companies.
That is “Sustainability”.
Because it is not only the responsibility of the organizations to provide green products but as a consumer we too should be responsible in matters of the environment.
That is being responsible and consciously choosing and deciding on our purchases.
Did I purchase? No, because when I purchased my hosting plan, I was not aware that such Echo-friendly web hosting providers are available.
Recently I came to know from some other blog that there are echo friendly hosting(s) too.
So my journey started on to investigate and research more on this sustainability hosting.
And, you don’t believe, I was astonished to know the facts how internet can pollute the world where we live in.
Yes, I did know that systems generate heat. However, what I did not know is that systems carbon print is in par with the Airline Industry.
Right now, let us see how GreenGeeks, a hosting company is contributing to the environment by providing echo friendly hosting services to the customers.
Before that, first, let us see why do we need to opt for Echo-friendly web hosting?
Above is the preview of this eGuide (10 pages). You can have this guide GreenGeeks: A Complete Guide On Echo-Friendly Hosting PDF file (30 pages) to read at your leisure.
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Why do we need to opt for Echo-friendly web hosting?
Do you know that the internet data centers are the enormous energy guzzlers?
Moreover, each data hosting centers has thousands (millions) of servers stacked on top of each other in rows of racks running 24/7, 365 days nonstop.
Imagine all the racked up servers running all day consuming mammoth of energy generating heat might damage the servers eventually. To mitigate the heat, the servers are blasted with arctic temperatures air all day every day.
More than the internet server power utilization, from this total energy consumption 40% of the energy is used to keep those servers from overheating.
The energy that comes into these data centers is mostly from power grids that produce energy from polluting sources like fossil fuels, Gas and Oil that emit enormous amount of carbon dioxide into our environment.
So how can we solve this problem?
Well, though we might not be able to solve all of the problems. However, first acknowledging the fact and doing something towards it is what matters.
GreenGeeks solution is, using renewable energy, energy that is produced from the natural resources like, sun (solar), water, Biomass and Thermodynamics.
So let us see what is renewable energy?
What is renewable energy?
Renewable energy is a source of energy that is not depleted by use. For example, solar, wind, water (Hydroelectric), Biomass, and Geothermal power. This energy is produced from the natural resources that are always available in the environment.
Unlike the fossil fuels which are limited in supply and deplete eventually.
For example, Coal, gas, oil when used in power generation produce enormous amount of carbon dioxide into the air, polluting our air, polluting us and the environment.
Further down, we will read how GreenGeeks is using the renewable energy in their facilities. But, before that let us see
Why we should use renewable energy?
Internet is the fastest growing carbon polluting industry and might grow even further surpassing all other industries. As more and more users start using the internet globally so does the pollution.
Read this!
In 2012 there were 500,000 data centers worldwide. Today there are 8 million data centers worldwide, this is an increase of 16 fold in 7 years.
Today, datacenters account for 2% of the carbon emissions. That is equal to as much as present day Airline industry.
This is not going to stop here.
During the pandemic many started to use more internet services like never before. This means more carbon emission in the future.
Data center pollution is expected to grow to 14% of the world carbon emission as much as the United States of America by 2040. (This data is before pandemic)
Now, if you are further interested to read more facts on this subject, you can head over here.
These are some of the reasons why we have to opt for an echo-friendly hosting.
Later, we will see how GreenGeeks is using the renewable energy in their facilities and contributing to the green environment. If you want to jump right over there you can click here.
Disclosure: Please note that some of my links below are affiliated links. That is I may earn commission, at no additional cost to you on any purchases you’ve decided to make through these links. And, it helps me in running my blog at the same time bring in valuable insights to readers like you to decide on your purchases.
Please note that I only recommend those products either I am using personally or researched and because I believe that these products might help you improve your life or business.
Now, let us quickly breeze through what is web hosting?….
What is web hosting or hosting company?
Hosting company is one who houses your blog or website on the web for certain period on rent.
Just like a host hosts guests at their house for a certain period. A hosting company hosts your blog on their servers for certain period on a contract. Hosting companies are responsible for the maintenance and management of your blog or website.
Here, for the hosting company you pay a certain amount according to the time period.
Most hosting companies offer
- Monthly or
- Yearly or
- More than a year (24 Months or 36 Months)
Moreover, there would be different packages to choose from according to your plan, your requirements and your affording capacity.
Next, let us see why we have to opt for echo-friendly GreenGeeks?
Before we go any further let us see what the daughter and Dad duo are talking about GreenGeeks Echo-Friendly hosting…
Stay tuned.

Why Opt for Echo-Friendly GreenGeeks?
Who are GreenGeeks?
GreenGeeks is a green web hosting provider.
What is the distinctive factor in GreenGeeks from the other hosting companies?
GreenGeeks is a leading Echo-friendly web hosting provider that uses renewable energy.
GreenGeeks motto from the start is to provide echo-friendly hosting to their customers.
What is Echo-friendly hosting?
Echo-friendly means, a hosting platform that is built to be as energy efficient as possible by reducing the carbon print in the environment.
Why should I opt for Echo-friendly hosting?
To provide a helping hand in making a difference by hosting on a platform that is helping the environment by being Echo-friendly.
What does GreenGeeks do to stand by Echo-friendly hosting?
GreenGeeks had partnered with Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) in Portland, Oregon which is a Green e-partner that produces renewable energy.
BEF provides GreenGeeks an estimation of the power that might be consumed by the GreenGeeks based on the GreenGeeks many servers, personnel and the facilities.
Then, GreenGeeks purchases REC (Renewable Energy Credits) from the BEF, 3 times more than what GreenGeeks consumes. The remaining REC’s are put back into the grid that can be used by other individuals or companies.
So GreenGeeks is purchasing energy for their own consumption, at the same time purchasing the REC’s for two other companies the size of GreenGeeks.
For example, just to make you understand, let us assume that if GreenGeeks consumes 6 Units of energy from their servers, personnel and facilities.
Now, GreenGeeks purchases in total 18 Units of REC’s (6*3) from the BEF. The remaining 12 Units of renewable energy are placed back into the Grid. And, those 12 units of renewable energy can be used by the other individuals or companies.
This means, as GreenGeeks consumer base increases so does the consumption of energy increases and so does the purchase of REC’s that can provide energy for two other companies the size of GreenGeeks.
This is the GreenGeeks commitment to the environment and a differentiating factor from their competitors.
Now, as a customer of GreenGeeks you will be contributing and helping the environment by partnering with echo-friendly hosting.
Now, the question, what is renewable energy?
What is renewable energy?
Renewable energy is a source of energy that is not depleted by use. For example, solar, wind, water (Hydroelectric), Biomass, and Geothermal power. This energy is produced from the natural resources that are always available in the environment.
Unlike the fossil fuels which are limited in supply and deplete eventually. For example, Coal, gas, oil when used for energy generation emits Carbon dioxide into the air, polluting our air, polluting us and the environment.
Here are some facts on using Fossil Fuels for energy generation from Union of Concerned Scientist.
Producing electricity/power is a major source of air pollution and single largest source of global warming in the U.S. and many other countries.
The power sector is a leading source of cancer-causing air pollution, and the nation’s second–largest source of carbon dioxide.
And, 63% of US electricity is still from Fossil fuels.
What are RECs?
Renewable Energy credits or certificates or green energy certificates or tradable renewable certificates are proof that energy has been generated from renewable sources such as wind or wind power.
Each REC represents the environmental benefits of 1MWh of renewable energy generation.
When you purchase RECs, renewable energy is generated on your behalf.
GreenGeeks: KWH/year Replaced 615000+
You can have this guide GreenGeeks: A Complete Guide On Echo-Friendly Hosting PDF file to read at your leisure.
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Why Pick Echo-Friendly GreenGeeks for your Web Hosting?
Now, let us see why we need to pick the Echo-Friendly GreenGeeks in web of hosting services out there.
GreenGeeks | A Echo-Friendly web hosting |
Most Differentiated Factor | A green web hosting |
Provides | Fast, Secure, Stable, Scalable and with exceptional Support |
Established | 2008 (12 years) |
Founder | Trey Gardner |
Customers | 50000+ |
Websites Hosted | 600000+ |
Up-Time | 99.9% |
Support | 24/7/365 via Live chat, Telephone, and email tickets |
Agreement | 30 day Money-back guarantee (If you cancel the hosting services for any reason within the 30 days limit, excluding for that month amount is refunded) |
Presence in or have customers | In over 150 countries globally |
Major Recognition | GreenGeeks has been recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency since 2009 as a Green Power Partner. |
Accreted by | A+ BBB (Better Business Bureau) |
Data Center Locations | Chicago, Phoenix, Toronto, Montreal and Amsterdam |
GreenGeeks Awards and Recoginitions
GreenGeeks is an award winning Web hosting provider

What Customers are saying about GreenGeeks?
45000+ customers trust GreenGeeks.
Rated 4.4/5 based on 344 reviews on Trustpilot

You can head over here for the GreenGeeks Sign Up.
What Does GreenGeeks provide as a web hosting provider?
Apart from Shared and VPS hosting services GreenGeeks available products are Reseller, WordPress and WooCommerce hosting services.
All hosting service plans are designed to be fast, secure, stable, scalable and with exceptional support hosting services.
For blazing fast page loads Greengeeks provide
SSD (Solid State Drives) hard drives that are configured in a super reliable and performing RAID 10 array that are good options for I/O applications like email, web servers, databases and operations that require high disk performance and organizations that require no interruptions at all.
Website files and databases are stored on these cutting edge solid state drives configured in redundant RAID 10 storage array.
LiteSpeed and MariaDB
LiteSpeed web servers: Your account is hosted on lightning fast ultra-optimized LiteSpeed web and DB servers. Helping pages load up to 50 times faster.
LiteSpeed servers are open source web servers developed by LiteSpeed Technology.
OpenLiteSpeed server is a lightweight with easy-to-use interface, with high performance, highly secure, easily scalable and with low-resource-usage that can be used to manage hundreds and thousands of simultaneous connections.
MariaDB: is free and open-source software, community developed and commercial split of the MySQL relational database management systems.
LSCache: is a powerful smart purge plugin that can easily handle traffic spikes and everyday loads and can turbo-charge popular web apps with minimum concern.
Free CDN: A CDN (Content Delivery Network) provides fast delivery of internet content like HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, images and videos on the internet through a geographically distributed group of servers that work together.
HTTP/3 QUIC enabled: HTTP/3 is an upcoming newer version of Hypertext transfer protocols used to exchange information on the internet. HTTP/3 is significant for faster page loads.
HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a transport layer network initially developed by Google. QUIC improves performance of connection-oriented web applications that are currently using Transport Control Protocol.
For enhanced Security and Reliability
Account Isolation: Accounts are provisioned with their own dedicated computing resources and secured virtual file system utilizing a container based approach.
This ensures no single user can overlap with another user regardless of site traffic or computer resource demand.
Linux Secure Virtual File System (VFS): Provides users with their own secured virtual File System so that the accounts are unable to access each other accounts, protecting against malware and other malicious activity.
Real-time scanning of changed files are immediately isolated against any malware from spreading through the GreenGeeks secure VFS framework
Provides clustered security through their proprietary and third party software to identify any potential attacks across the network before the attack occurs.
Provides, pro-active monitoring through their administrators by monitoring real-time of all critical services to address the potential problem before they occur.
Nightly back up(s) are provided every night to ensure in the event of a disaster your data can be recovered by GreenGeeks. Also maintains several copies of data as an added safety measure.
Advanced WAF/AI: Websites are protected using advanced web application firewall (WAF) with artificial intelligence to detect and protect against various types of attacks.
Free Malware Cleanups: GreenGeeks support experts clean your websites for any infection without any cost, if your websites gets hacked by any malware
For the better Management Easy Intuitive tools
Easy to use GreenGeeks dashboards for managing websites with convenience access for all the important tools and services needed for your websites
cPanel: easy to use, Industry leading control panel to access all the tools and features
1-Click Installer: 1-click installer that helps in installing multiple applications like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and many more
For powered up email hosting
Unlimited email accounts with secure IMAP/POP3 (are used to access mail from third party email or software) and spam filtering through Spam-Assassin E-mail filtering.
You can easily access your e-mail using a browser via Webmail.
You can sync your schedule, calendar and contacts across devices
For Environmentally Responsible platform
Every aspect of GreenGeeks platform is built to be as energy efficient as possible.
Moreover, every amperage that is used from the grid is matched thrice the times in the form of renewable energy via Bonneville Environmental Foundation which reduces the carbon print on the environment.
If you missed reading on how GreenGeeks is contributing to the environment by using renewable energy you can head over here.
You can head over here for the GreenGeeks Sign Up

GreenGeeks Shared hosting, plans and Benefits
Who uses Shared hosting mostly?
Mostly shared hosting is popular among beginner bloggers or businesses that are starting or small scale business owners.
Does GreenGeek provide different and flexible priced plans for shared services?
- Yes, GreenGeeks shared hosting has different flexible priced package plan options.
- GreenGeeks shared web hosting has 3 priced packages.
- Lite
- Pro, (Recommended)
- Premium
GreeGeeks Priced Plans
The prices seen below here are for 3 years, the basic lite starting from $2.95. A monthly price starts from 9.95/mo + $15 for one time setup fee.
The major difference in the price plans below are in the number of websites you can host and CPU performance Core and dedicated IP.
If you opt for lite plan, you can host only one website. Whereas Pro and Premium you can host unlimited websites.
Besides, for Premium hosting you get a dedicated IP address.
Alternatively you can see the pricing table with features explained down below for further clarity.

What are the GreenGeeks Shared hosting Benefits?
- The main benefit of shared web hosting is affordability of the package price. It is the most economical low-cost option for the starters or beginners.
- Additionally, server management and platform updates are made by GreenGeeks side.
- Moreover, shared hosting packages include features like
- Free domain for one year
- Unlimited websites hosting for Pro and Premium plans
- CPU performance increases for easy scalability according to the plans
- Free Nightly backup
- Free CDN (Content Delivery Network) that provides fast delivery of internet content
- Unlimited E-mail accounts
- Free SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate is a standard technology for authentication, encrypting and decrypting the data sent over the internet between web application and server for keeping the connection secure for the transactions to complete.
- LSCache included, a powerful purge plugin that can easily handle traffic spikes
- Free migration from other hosting service to GreenGeeks
- 300% Green Energy Match
- 30-day Money-Back guarantee
Now let us view the GreenGeeks Shared Price and Features comparison table.
You can head over here for the GreenGeeks Sign Up.

GreenGeeks Shared Price and Feature Comparison Table
Below is the GreenGeeks Shared Price and Feature Comparison table. There are monthly plans too which cost you from $9.95 + $15 (one time set up cost).
3 Yearly (36 months) plans that start from $2.95.

Inodes*: Inode is the number of data structures stored on your hosting account. The number of Inode indicates total files, folders, emails and anything that you store on the server.
Now, let us look at the GreenGeeks VPS hosting.
GreenGeeks VPS, Plans and Benefits
What is VPS or Virtual Private Server?
Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting setting is where resources like CPU, RAM, and SSD (Solid-State-Drive or Disk) storage dedicated to your account on a dedicated server, while sharing the resources with other users on the same server.
So, basically as a customer, you will be sharing the same physical server with virtually dedicated resources not over lapping with other users.
Who uses VPS hosting services mostly?
Anyone can use the VPS hosting from beginner bloggers to business starters.
However, mostly small to medium businesses websites opt-in for VPS hosting.
Besides, the beginners or bloggers who are outgrown (increased in their traffic flow) in their blog or businesses and want to upscale their server capacity can opt-in from shared hosting to VPS hosting.
Moreover, if you are in need to install custom software that isn’t permitted on shared hosting migrating to the VPS hosting is the only option.
Furthermore, if you need to store massive amount of data or planning on internal integrated corporate connection you might consider VPS.
Does GreenGeeks provide different priced Plan options for VPS hosting?
- Yes, GreenGeeks VPS web hosting has different priced package plan options.
- GreenGeeks VPS web hosting has 3 priced packages.
- 2 GB
- 4 GB (Best Value)
- 8 GB
The prices below for the plans are billed monthly. The variables we have to look here in each plans are RAM, CPU and SSD storage.
These vary according to the price. The higher the price the more powerful loaded tools.

What are the GreenGeeks VPS hosting Benefits?
- An account with guaranteed resources like CPU, RAM, SSD, and bandwidth regardless of other users.
- In other words, more bandwidth, space, speed and reliability than shared hosting and all this with no overlapping with other users
- Dedicated IP Address.
- Fully managed VPS (inside the scope of GreenGeeks)
- You can choose your data center locations between United States, Canada, and Europe for faster page loads that might be near to you.
- Free cPanel migration from your other VPS hosting services to GreenGeeks hosting
- Free Softaculous License is an auto installer for cPanel DirectAdmin. That is much faster and installs the script in one step process.
- Free SSL Certificate, for encrypting the communication between web application and server for loading a website browser.
- Provides advanced security through DDoS protection by real-time monitoring 24/7.
- Disturbed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server by sending overwhelming flood of internet traffic to the infrastructure (server) upsetting the normal services. So you have a protection against any such kind of attacks on the server for your websites.
- Enterprise-class RAID 10 SSD storage that delivers reliable lightning-fast data storage
- VPS hosting platform only uses Intel Xeon Processors
- 99.9% service uptime guaranteed because of the level of hardware, datacenter and monitoring systems
- All VPS accounts are provisioned with CentOS 7 64 bit (Community Enterprise Operating System) community supported Linux based computing platform
- Provides cPanel/WHM a simple graphical user interface for the Linux OS to automate webhosting tasks
- 30-day Money-Back guarantee
- VPS is hosted on 300% renewable energy infrastructure
You can head over here for the GreenGeeks Sign Up.
How to Sign-Up for GreenGeeks Hosting?
Below are the steps to Sign Up for GreenGeeks hosting services
- Go to the GreenGeeks website.
- Select Hosting from the main menu. Select >> Hosting or

3. Alternatively you can click on the Get Started Now Button

4. Select the pricing plans

5. Click on the Get started button
6. Create a Domain Name or use the Domain Name you’ve already purchased (own)

7. Enter your Account Information

8. Select your Package Information from the drop down menu.

9.Enter your Payment Details.

10. click on the Create Button.
Takeaway Tips
As we have seen GreenGeeks apart from green hosting, it stands for speed, stability, security with exceptional support system.
If you compare with other hosting prices, GreenGeeks shared hosting prices starts from $2.95/mo., $5.95/mo., $11.95/mo. for a 3 year plans (Lite, Pro and Premium). So basically these prices are in par with any other hosting providers.
Additionally, going with GreenGeeks, you get the feel good happiness that you are part of GreenGeeks who has adopted to provide Echo-friendly services.
Because, GreenGeeks purchases REC (Renewable Energy Credits) from the BEF, 3 times more than what GreenGeeks consumes. That can provide renewable energy for two other companies the size of GreenGeeks.
Basically, GreenGeeks is donating and promoting to use renewable energy to other businesses or other purposes for an echo-friendly environment.
Like Shared hosting the VPS price tags too are on par with the other hosting providers for businesses that are looking for upgrading or migrating from other hosting services.
Moreover, if you compare with other web hosting services GreenGeeks differentiates themselves by providing blazing speeds and security with exceptional support.
So if you are someone who cares for the environment deeply, definitely GreenGeeks can be your choice for your web hosting.
That is being responsible and consciously choosing and deciding on our purchases for a good cause.

You can head over here for the GreenGeeks Sign Up.

With this we will wind up the session on GreenGeeks: A Complete Guide On Echo-Friendly Hosting
Any comments, questions or suggestions please type into the comments section below.
Anything you have to say or share from your experiences with hosting, we’d love to hear from you.
Be Safe!
Good luck with your hosting plans and don’t forget to reach out if you have any questions on hosting.
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You can have this guide GreenGeeks: Complete Guide GreenGeeks: A Complete Guide On Echo-Friendly Hosting PDF file to read at your leisure.